Kitab-i Mevlud-i şerif. [between 17--? and 18--?]


Kitab-i Mevlud-i şerif. [between 17--? and 18--?]

A poetic work on the nativity of the Prophet Muhammad, including histories of his close family and four rightly guided caliphs. There are many versions of this work and the author of this one is not mentioned in the ms. The text ends on fol. 65b (see explicit) and is immediately followed by a short text, also in verse, entitled "Dastan-i İbrahim" (fol. 65b-68b).

69 leaves : paper ; 210 x 154 (162 x 104) mm. bound to 215 x 160 mm.

Related Entities

There are 1 Entities related to this resource.

Muhammad, Prophet, d. 632 (person)